A Day in the Sun - Un día en el sol

Artist: Brianna
Age: 12
Scofield Magnet Middle School
City: Stamford
Country: USA

A Day in the Sun - Un día en el sol

Artist: Brianna
Age: 12
Scofield Magnet Middle School
City: Stamford
Country: USA

About the Artwork

My family and friends are at the beach having a picnic. We are spending time together while playing in the sand and in the water. The value I am depicting is time. It is important because we should spend time with family you care about.

Featured food(s) Meat, salad, chips, soda, and sandwiches

My family is important, kind, amazing, and fun. In my free time, I go outside and spend time with friends and family. I like TV, friends music, family, food, and sports. I dislike homework. When I grow up, I want to be an art teacher and someone who takes care of animals. To help the environment, I plant flowers and trees.


Mi familia y amigos están en la playa comiendo una merienda, estamos disfrutando el tiempo juntos mientras jugamos en la arena, en el agua y haciendo deporte El valor es el tiempo, es importante tenerlo para compatir con la familia

Featured food(s) Carnes, ensalada, papas, sodas y sándwiches

Importante, buena, espectacular y divertida Voy afuera y pasar tiempo con amigos y familia Me gusta ver tv amigos, música, familia, comida y los deportes, no me gusta la tarea Ser una maestra de arte y alguien que cuida los animales Plantar árboles y flores

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