2016 - My Community, My Point of View

ArtLink 2015-2016 Theme Assignment: 

For students to give a real insider’s view of what goes on in their communities, neighborhoods, villages, towns or cities. They were asked to consider a variety of day-today interactions between their friends, family members, merchants, classmates, teachers, teammates, elders, clergy, neighbors with disabilities and others.

In their artwork, the students had to thoughtfully capture a specific interaction to share. This moment might include their families, classmates, friends or community members taking part in an activity that reveals a meaningful cultural value.

To view the artwork please scroll down and select a country.

Art Partners of the Year

International Partners of the Year: Khelda Secondary School Amman, Jordan
Teachers: Ms. Lina Kamal/Zainab and Ms.Rawan Slaiti
Coordinator: Rania Ammari of INJAZ

This collection of work includes a variety of colorful and thoughtful pieces taking the viewer into their homes, schools and communities including celebrations, traditions, dance, religious customs, planting, hunting and acts of worship.

US Partner of the Year:  North Brandford Intermediate School, North Branford, CT
Art Teachers: Ms. Marcella Ardine and Mr. Jerry Prell

North Brandford artists expressed pride in their school and in their communities. Their art reflected topics including patriotism, holidays, travel, community service and recreation.

All the classes created insightful art pieces illustrating such values as love of family, traditions, competition, celebrations, and religion.

Participating Countries

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