JAP-11-072We wish to thank Liz Strubbe, a partner teacher from the Cesar A. Batalla School in Bridgeport, CT for all her extraordinary efforts in making our Artlink programs so successful.

Creative Connections Program Director, Sudha Sankar said, “Liz’s classroom presents global education at its best, year after year. She has also enriched her international partner’s classrooms every time!”

This beautiful picture from Japan was created from Liz’s international partner class this year. The artist is Rina T. of the Seshyu Middlie School in Japan.

We recently received these kind words from Liz, “Thank you. I will miss the “connection”. What a wonderful experience it was! Over the years, I learned so much about other cultures and people. It was truly a great experience for both my students and myself.”

We wish Liz every happiness in all her future endeavors.

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