The young Cambodians were one of the highlights of a recent Edinburgh Fringe Festival

“The country’s ancient arts and legendary tales are revived in an irresistibly engaging production by these highly disciplined, enthusiastic teenagers. From the elegant opening candlelit “Prayer”, the show focuses on varied aspects of folklore and tradition – as depicted in the carvings of Angkor Wat temple – from the ritual of “dashing coconut shells” and skill of picking cardamom, to an amusing re-enactment of the tale of the golden mermaid and the monkey king. Exquisitely stylised in gesture, gorgeously colourful in costume, the dancers are… dazzling [with] infectious exuberance.”The Independent



“Children of Khmer” is perfect for elementary, middle, and high school audiences. As always with our tours, we want your students to get to know and interact with the performers. To this end, each performance will include a short “Up Close and Personal” video where a couple of the dancers take us on a tour of their school, home, community, and dance training center. And somewhere in the performance students (and even staff) will be invited to come up and dance with the Cambodians

As always, the group will not only perform, but visit classrooms and give dance workshops at each school venue.

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