"Day of Colors" by Giovanna age 12 from Brazil
“Day of Colors” by Giovanna age 12 from Brazil

Rio de Janeiro is the most famous place for carnival in Brazil. The first festivals of Rio date back to 1723. During the carnival different samba schools compete for first place in elaborate parades that last for hours and all the dancers wear incredible colorful costumes of sequins and feathers. The parade´s history began in 1928 and the parade passes through the enormous stadium called Sambodromo.Brazilian Carnival (Carnaval) is an annual world famous festival in Brazil. It is held four days before Ash Wednesday, the day of fasting and repentance that marks the beginning of Lent. “Carnival” is a festival of colors, which is reflected in costumes, calypso, steel band music, dance and an array of different ethnic food and Caribbean art. The event attracts millions of people from around the global each year.


Carnivals like this one in Brazil, are annual festivals celebrated at different times of the year in many other countries around the world, including England, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, India, Germany and Belgium to name a few.

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