Meet Polly Loughran, Creative Connections Program Director. Take a second to learn about Polly’s work, the future of ArtLink, and what’s on the horizon for Creative Connections over the next 25 years.
What about the Creative Connections’ mission is compelling to you?
The students in the ArtLink program learn to define culture and values. This conversation begins with them discovering what these terms means to them. They need to think about their own culture first, before they go on to learn and understand their peers’ culture. This may seem like a simple starting point, but it is very important. For many students, this is often the first time they begin to answer this question and to reflect on their own culture.
What benefit do students and educators get from participating in Creative Connections’ ArtLink program?
Our students become ambassadors for their countries as well as cultural detectives. They learn from students their own age, through artwork and stories about other communities, schools, families, customs and traditions. Educators have the opportunity to experience their students’ curiosity ignite as they make new discoveries about the world around them and about their own world through the exchange of artwork and the sharing of stories.
Imagine we speak again 25 years from now. What would you like to see CC programming look like? Where would you like to see it?
I would love for us to remain on top of technologies as they develop. I think virtual reality has very exciting possibilities for our programs. Imagine if we could allow ArtLink students to be really close to their partners, both here in the USA and overseas, through the use of virtual reality.
Any favorite student stories you’d like to share?
One of my favorite quotes was from a young boy in China, age 9, talking about the importance of water in his town. He went on to say that he thought, “Water is the soul of the universe.” I thought that was remarkable, profound, and so true.