We wish to thank everyone who served as member of our jury this week. It has been an extraordinary experience working with all of you. We are very excited about the collection that has been put together for our 16th International Children’s Art Exhibit. This year our art show will be held at The Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, CT USA starting mid-May 2012.
Pictured here are two of our jury members Amola Smith on the left with Cherie Burton seated. Along with Amola and Cherie we wish to thank Dod March, Kevin Carter, Miki Porta, Pamela Hovland, Amanda Innes, Susan Newbold, Jennifer Knebel, Ann Weiner, Gail Johnson, Hanneke Goedkoop and Wouter Goedkoop. This year’s exhibit will be extraordinary because of their special points of view, backgrounds and thoughtful care.