BLOG September 11 2012“9-11 And Me” by Gary A., age 13 from Stamford, CT USA, describes his art work, “I drew a picture of me and the Twin Towers right next to me, and the American flag behind the whole picture. I chose this scene, because even though there is a lot happening in America I want to show [the world] that we still believe in “United We Stand”. In America we stick together even through a tragedy.”

In the aftermath of the attacks, many students chose to respond through a range of artistic channels as part of the healing, recovery, and rebuilding process.

We want to offer the following resource – The National September 11 Memorial Museum is committed to working with educators to create resources addressing the events of 9/11 from a variety of perspectives to provide a comprehensive and illuminating understanding of these events.  Their web site is: 
In particular they offer a sensitive and comprehensive guide on how to talk to children about 9/11 –
They also offer teachers lesson plans for all ages –


We hope these resources are helpful as we all remember and commemorate this day.

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