We are proud to share this inspiring video of Rainforest Art Link’s Guatemalan Coordinator and environmental educator Ramón Zetina from the Rainforest Alliance

Help Train the Leaders of Tomorrow
Through his environmental education programs and workshops, Zetina works closely with teachers and students in the Guatemalan rainforest regions to promotethe importance of their environment and ways in which students can work “to be proactive stewards of the environment” to protect the necessary resources around them.

“What I am proudest of is that we are contributing to the creation of leaders and a new generation that will understand how to conserve the Maya Biosphere Reserves for the good of the world and humanity,” Said Zetina.

Similarly, Creative Connections is proud to promote an intercultural dialogue among program participants, encouraging global competency and environmental awareness. Inthe Rainforest ArtLink Program, USA partner classes create and exchange art with a class located in the rainforest of Central America, then engage in a live HD videoconference to meet their partners in real time, exchanging ideas about interesting cultural aspects and the environment.

The program will run from January through June 2015 and is open to 3rd-12th grade art, science, social studies and Spanish language classes.


Applications for our Rainforest ArtLink program will be accepted through the end of October.

More information about the program can be found on our website:

The artist shares this about her piece,“In my scene people are harvesting coffee. It is one of the most important products of my country. The indigenous people are hard workers. I am showing the value of responsibility, because it is important in any situation we face, such as work, education, and our communities.”


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